Thank you for your support!  In these perilous times, we feel blessed for the opportunity to produce ‘The Morning Commute’ with JJS and Lady Liberty each weekday morning.

We started The Morning Commute in July of 2020 on Liberty Broadcasting (American Christian Network affiliate) on 96.5 FM and AM 630 (Spokane, WA), as a Radio Free Redoubt production.  It’s hard to believe we’re about to celebrate our TWO YEAR ANNIVERSARY!


This is made possible by our sponsors, and ESPECIALLY you, the listeners.  It’s that time when we have to face the reality that airtime isn’t free.

We are grateful for your prayerful consideration in helping us to stay on the air.  If you feel that we’re worthy of your support, we appreciate any amount you feel led to give.


To choose how you’d like to donate, visit the DONATE PAGE 


Please be sure to clearly mark airtime fund donations as ‘Airtime Fund, so we can properly allocate those donations.

If you pay via Paypal and a comment box doesn’t appear allowing you to add ‘Airtime Fund’, simply email us at: or and let us know.

We will update the Airtime Fund thermometer periodically, at least weekly, unless larger donations are received, then daily.


God bless everyone, and THANK YOU!

Here’s to two more years, or until the Lord returns!