Multiple speakers address the village board of Deerfield, Illinois, on the topic of Deerfield’s amendment to Article 11, Sections 15-87 and 15-88 in the Deerfield Village Board Meeting on April 2nd, 2018.
The Deerfield Village Board of Trustees unanimously approved a ban on certain types of assault weapons and high-capacity magazines on April 2, 2018.
Document: Deerfield assault weapon ordinance
Illinois Town Bypasses Constitution, Given 60 Days To Turn In Guns Or Become Criminals
“The gun ban ordinance was passed on April 2nd with residents left with few choices of how to dispose of their valuable “assault weapons.” Upon careful reading of the ordinance, residents will be left with revolvers, .22 caliber “plinking” rifles, and double barrel shotguns to defend their homes and families from criminals who could care less about the law.”
Deerfield bans assault weapons and high-capacity magazines
“Owners of assault weapons living in north suburban Deerfield have until June 13 to remove the firearms from within village limits or face daily fines after a ban was approved Monday night.”
People have a moral obligation to disobey unjust laws. If Deerfield passes anti-semitic laws, should we obey those too? Everything Hitler did was legal. Just because it’s a law, doesn’t make it right, nor does it require citizens to obey.
Lucky for Americans, our rights to self-defense don’t come from the government, and can’t be taken by the government; they pre-date the government. There are traitors on city councils who will pretend to have authority, passing any law they want, but responsible adults are under no obligation to follow their unjust mandates. In fact, politicians who attempt these transgressions, are guilty of treason and will be treated as the traitors against this country that they are.
Just to be clear, the second amendment doesn’t grant any ‘gun’ rights – we have those rights already, and they cannot be taken away. The only reason it was written, was to make it clear to our servants in government they must keep their hands off certain pre-existing rights, over which they had NO jurisdiction.
The Supreme Court is not ruling, because they know these facts. To rule, would be to spell this out, and put an end to all the official meddling. Keeping it vague buys the traitors in office time to meddle in our rights a bit longer.
This is a lot bigger than Deerfield, and should not be tolerated by real Americans.