Prepper Recon released the EMP Survival Series Box Set (Kindle Version) and is hosting a giveaway to celebrate! See the details below!

The epic saga about an EMP attack in America is now available as a Complete Box Set (Kindle)! 

Giveaway Details:
One First Prize Winner will win an Almost-Uncirculated 1930 Swiss 20 Franc Gold Coin! This coin contains almost 1/5th ounce of gold and is currently valued at around $300! The First Prize Winner will also receive an autographed copy of Behold Darkness and Sorrow, the first book in the Seven Cows, Ugly and Gaunt Series.

One Second Prize Winner will win an Individual First Aid Kit stocked with an Israeli Battle Dressing, 2 packs of QuickClot, a TK4 Tourniquet, a Combat Application Tourniquet, EMT Shears, as well as gauze and bandages. The Second Prize Winner will also receive an autographed copy of Behold Darkness and Sorrow, the first book in the Seven Cows, Ugly and Gaunt Series.

One Third Prize Winner will win a Baofeng Handheld Ham Radio, which you can use to monitor the Hams in your area, even if you’re not licensed. And my favorite EDC rescue knife, the Columbia River Knife and Tool M16! The Third Prize Winner will also receive an autographed copy of Behold Darkness and Sorrow, the first book in the Seven Cows, Ugly and Gaunt Series.

How to Win:
Leave a review for EMP Survival Box Set: Seven Cows, Ugly and Gaunt on

Send an email including your Amazon screen name that you used for the review to: 
Use EMP Box Giveaway in the subject line. The drawing will be held Friday,February 16. 
The winners’ Amazon screen name will be posted on to announce that they’ve won.The winners will also be notified via email. Sorry, contest is open to US residents only.

Be sure to visit PREPPER!