We are gearing up for the Young Partisan Red Ryder BB Gun Giveaway! (17 yrs old & under) Be sure to listen to the John Jacob Schmidt Show, Dec, 17th for your chance to enter the drawing!
This year’s Christmas One Time Pad (OTP) Contest involves numbers. This practice exercise should help you to get ready.
Up until this point we have converted letters into numbers and then converted the numbers back to letters using the one time pads and conversion tables. There are times when you will need to send or receive numbers also. Exact numbers are important parts of the message. Times, weights, telephone numbers need to be exact. You can’t guess what the sender probably meant when it comes to numbers. Our conversion table doesn’t even have numbers on it. How do we send numbers accurately?
Numbers are sent by repeating them three times. For example if you wanted to send “123” you would send your message as “111222333” If you were to receive a message of “111222333” you would know that it was meant to be “123”.
In order to prevent confusion and errors, number strings are preceded and ended with the “figure” character which is the number 90 on the conversion table. If you wanted to encode “123” you would use the following: “9011122233390” The “90” alerts you to the fact that numbers/figures are next and when you see the other “90” you know that the numbers/figures are ending.
Let’s practice a short message by using the below One Time Pad Census and the Conversion Table. You receive the following encoded message:
93786 00207 57770 04719 08239 92214
Remember that you add to decode and you don’t carry to the next place. (6+5=1 not 11)
ANSWER: 3 Wise Men
Here is the work:
Figured it out with my son. Very cool! He is looking forward to entering the contest. Thanks JJ!