Highlights & Resources Links
‘Security alert in Brussels’ after massive blackout plunges entire centre of EU capital into darkness
The Nation; A Primer: Prosecuting a President
The Muslim Brotherhood’s Strategic Plan
America Under Siege: Civil War 2017
Who is the speaker in the clip at the end?
Dr Clinton Al Genus Jr?
Not sure I got the name right and I can’t find any close matches via Google.
Never mind. Did more Google-fu and found it…
The Responsibilities of American Citizenship (1955)
Ganus, Cliffton L.
Thank you. We added this video as it’s own posting.
I think is extremely naïve when JJS stated that the leftist have not armed up, YET. They have indeed acquired firearms as well as training in their use. We have seen many examples of this recently. Here in Baton Rouge we had Black Lives Matter and New Black Panther demonstrators marching with firearms. A quick internet search will turn up several videos of NBP members, in uniform, marching with rifles and shotguns. Some have formed the Huey P Newton gun club to train leftist members in how to shoot. On the Antifa side we see groups like It’s Going Down and Redneck Revolt posting webpages on gun laws and rights to bear arms and forming gun clubs such as the John Brown gun club ( https://www.facebook.com/PhxJBGC/?hc_ref=SEARCH ) . They proudly pose with their flags and rifles at this website- https://itsgoingdown.org/know-gun-rights-primer-radicals/ ,
When they advertise classes such as Intro to Tactical Firearms, the same those of us on the right have been taking, it’s time to pay attention and accept the reality. Sitting behind keyboards talking about the black bloc being guys living in their parents basement and not being able or willing to fight is totally backwards. These commie leftists have shown that they are willing to go out and destroy property and assault people and now are embracing firearms and tactical training.
Get out and train, network and PT. You are already probably behind the curve.