Episode 16-24
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Liberty Tree Expo 2016- Yakima. June 17th-19th
Southwest Shooting Authority- Class & Event Schedule
God & Country 22nd Annual Celebration June 24th-26th
American Redoubt Gear Store
LifeStraw Personal Water Filter
SHTF Intelligence: By Sam Culper
Tactical Woodgas- lightweight hydro power system
Man with weapons was headed to L.A. gay pride parade
Cascadia Rising Timeline Posting
You had Cascadia Rising, we had Maniac Muslim Mayhem. I live about 50 miles southeast from Orlando. It was wall to wall, non stop news about the shooting. 4 days later, it’s still all we hear about.
If I could get out of Florida I would. I’m a native Floridian (Florida Cracker, orange grove kid) and Florida is gone from Red to Purple and is heading to Blue. My county is a rare Republican County (that doesn’t mean Conservative but more like right of center).
I have relatives living in Coeur d’Alene and would love to get out of here. But it’s tough while owning a business and all the family stuff.