Episode 16-17 Highlights & Resources
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Guerrilla Support Operations Course May 3-4, 2016
NW Preparedness Expo May 7th, 2016 in Prosser, Washington
T-REX 2016 June 10th-12th!! [Promo Video]
SHTF Intelligence Training by Samuel Culper!
Liberty Tree Expo 2016- Yakima. June 17th-19th
God & Country 22nd Annual Celebration June 24th-26th
Sovereign Duty by KrisAnne Hall- Recommended Reading
Bugout bag must have- LifeStraw
Kanguru Trust Flash Drive and VeraCrypt
Secure Email- Unseen.is (Iceland) GP Encrypted Email
Constitutional Sheriffs: The Cops Who Think the Government Is Our ‘Greatest Threat’
Obama dismisses N Korea proposal to ‘halt’ nuclear tests
Combat Studies Group- CSGBlogspot
Earth’s “Magnetosphere” COLLAPSED in space TODAY for two+ hours! Trouble ahead for all of us
Tsunami Buoy in “EVENT MODE” off New Jersey – Sudden 180′ Water Depth Change
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