New eyewitness account of the ambush that resulted in LaVoy Finicum’s death. This is the audio file from the original posting of the interview at (now expired and apparently not available). JJS Compressed and then amplified the audio to level the sound, making it much easier to listen to. This is the best quality audio of the interview that we’re aware of.
Interview with Shawna Cox:
There’s nothing to listen to, broadcast has expired.
Just updated the post with the player. Thank you
Thank you very much.
Who did she say set them up (couldn’t hear)? What was his name?
What’s interesting is that ‘bleep’ when she talks about turning on the video camera. The next thing they tried to do was call Joseph Rice, who led the armed contingent up there that stirred up so much trouble and was kicked out by the Bundy family. Rice took his people right over to the FBI base of operations to stir up trouble, after that. Why was Finicum’s crew trying to call him, exactly?
Was there an edit to sanitize Rice’s name out of this audio?