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The Boy Scouts of America has decided to become homosexual friendly. What this means is that if your son is in the Boy Scouts he can be paired with an active and public homosexual for the weekend. Also, the Boy Scouts recently made your sons more accessible to adult sodomites by making it policy that adult homosexual troop leaders can take your sons out in the remote woods for a weekend of outdoor activities.
The Girl Scouts have long been an issue in their relationship with Planned Parenthood and their exclusion of mothers in many Girl Scouts events. The Boy Scouts still have access to over 2.6 million boys and the Girl Scouts are still shaping the minds of 2.3 million girls. Many of these are Christian children.

Boy Scout Casey Chambers carries a rainbow flag during the San Francisco Gay Pride Festival in California June 29, 2014. REUTERS/Noah Berger
I would encourage Christian leaders who are taking a “wait and see” attitude to the homosexual scouting organizations to read the column “what is next for the LBGT movement” by Urvashi Vaid, Lisa Duggan, Tamara Metz and Amber Hollibaugh. In the article, the leaders of the homosexual movement clearly state their desire to make war on God-given institutions and sacraments. For example the homosexual leaders say “… What next? Disestablish marriage. Get the state out of the business. Abolish the legal category.” Also, the homosexual lobby is creating well-funded grants to attack Religious Liberty throughout the United States and the world. There are millions of dollars pouring into organizations specifically to wage cultural war upon places like Africa. The homosexual lobby has a plan, and it is to minimize if not remove orthodox Christianity influence from the public square. It is to make war on religious liberty, and remove the First Amendment rights of conservative Christians. Yet many Christian leaders do not protect even the little ones from this continued assault on the Lord’s children. Many of these homosexual organizations want to reach into Catholic parishes and Christian churches to gain access to young people through Scouting.
Why not just create a new knighthood for Christians and other aspiring young boys and men? The code of knights have always been revered by youngsters and adult, alike.
We could draw from the leadership of dissenters from the Boy Scouts and mix in a knightly flavor of teaching honor and ethics, survival and prepping, leadership and integrity. Teach them to be brave warriors of great spirit and inspiration.
We need to provide a safe route for teaching our children the morals and values that they really need, in a very entertaining fashion of exploration and wilderness adventure.
A heart full of hate is an ugly thing.
Child Molestation and sexual deviance under the facade of ” Love” is an ugly thing…
I would agree if this post had anything to do with those things. One has to be careful not to intertwine ignorance and hate together with moral beliefs. Neither of those qualities should be present in a moral person and they certainly should not be present in one’s religious beliefs. If they are, then we are no better than the jihadis….
My post was directed towards the article.. I believe one has to be careful not to be so righteous that they are of no earthly good.
Bless you.
There is a program through the Assemblies of God called “Royal Rangers” it is very similar to the old Boy Scouts and a good program for boys.
I’ve been involved in Scouting for 35 plus years, a solid decade of that as a Scoutmaster, and two decades in other various positions throughout the District. I was saddened to see the national office bow to political correctness. The threat of loss of funding and lawsuits apparently was more important to them. There is a very important fact that gets ignored in all of the media hoo hoo. Scouting is not a monolithic enterprise. The only true benchmarks are the Scout Oath and the Scout Law, which emphasize not only reverence, virtue, character, service, and participatory citizenship, but also tolerance and mutual respect. Like any organized group, there are units, and then there are units – all across the bell curve. It is the Chartered Organization, the organization that sponsors the Scout unit, that sets the compass for how the unit and the adult leadership will reflect IT’S values with respect to the interpretation of “morally straight” in the Scout Oath. An LDS or Catholic parish sponsored unit is likely to take a very different tack than a unit sponsored by service group or some other secular organization. The fact that the LDS Church has agreed to maintain it’s affiliation with Scouting underscores the indepdence exercised by Chartered Organizations. I guess the upshot is that despite the political winds of the national office that will come and go, Scouting at its core still stands for time honored values. Shop the individual units, their adult leadership, and their respective Chartered Organizations. Judge them by how they live out the Oath and the Law in their local communities.