I don’t post very many articles.  That’s why we have a podcast.  But it’s a weekly podcast every Sunday evening and this is something which needs to be addressed head on and right now.

First of all, what Mr. Bundy said about “negros” was absolutely dumb.  But it was also completely out of context.  Similarly, last week, patriot leader and defender of the constitution, Sheriff Richard Mack, shoved his foot squarely in his mouth with a comment about putting women in the front of the line when faced with an armed and threatening BLM tactical force.

Somebody get these people some handlers!  QUICK!

We’re ALL suffering because of these kinds of mistakes.  These are mistakes that are avoidable.  Sheriff Mack has a lot of experience in front of the media, but when one is fatigued and stressed and resolute about standing one’s ground on an issue, all at once, that’s when you’re going to slip up and say something we all will pay dearly for.

Mr. Bundy on the other hand has ZERO experience dealing with the media and absolutely should not be in front of the camera, and neither should his family members, unless it is a prepared statement, vetted by some level heads who understand PSYOPS and Public Relations, and then any prepared statements to the media should be delivered by that one, single PR spokesperson.

This is not a war that will be won with AR-15s.  And especially in that AO (Area of Operations).  This is a PSYOPS (Psychological Operations) war and the public information campaign has to be strategic and calculated.

You wouldn’t send a journalist out on the range to round up cattle, and you certainly shouldn’t send a cowboy to do a press release.  In either case, each would be out of his element and simply wouldn’t understand the dangers of the unfamiliar environment.  Therefore, they have no business being there.

The media are predators.  They are professional exploiters and their approach is as sweet as radiator fluid is to a dog.

Mr. Bundy gave the media and the statists exactly what they’ve been wringing their hands and salivating for — an opportunity.

Now, we have a simple-minded cowboy painted out to be racist who, by all accounts of those who know him personally, is absolutely untrue.

The plight of the blacks being freed, only to become enslaved again by our federal government with their chains of dependency should serve as a warning to all of us.  What came to mind when I saw Mr. Bundy speak, was the following quote.  This is what he meant, in his simple, unrefined way:

“None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.”

— Johann von Goethe

Next, they go after everyone who supported Mr. Bundy in his battle against federal government overreach and corruption, painted as racists by association.

Now all the leaders in the patriot community, including elected officials, are ‘obviously’ racist too, if you were to believe the implications of the statist, left-leaning media.

And now, they would have us all believe that anyone who further supports Mr. Bundy must clearly be a racist.

This isn’t about a cowboy or his cows.  It’s not about grazing rights.  It’s not about unpaid fees.

It is about federal control and overreach.  It’s about closed-door deals brokered by the ‘elites’ in America to relinquish control of land and natural resources to a communist government.

It’s about handing over our assets to the new masters (Chinese), and it’s about ALL of Americans now being enslaved because we have borrowed more than we could ever hope to pay back.

This isn’t about a comment by a cowboy out in the middle of nowhere.  It’s about making you run the other way and leaving an American citizen and his family all alone to make way for the wolves who will surely be returning.

This is about treasonous and traitorous acts committed by those to whom we have entrusted a great deal of power and stewardship.

And this is about dissolving any opposition to the tyrant.

By my observations of the latest skirmish, the tyrant has won the counterattack in this range war, again with out a shot being fired.


Patriots- 1     Tyrants-1

Secret weapon of choice by both sides — public perception and media



Most importantly, pray without ceasing, for wisdom, understanding, and discernment to see through the deception and confusion. -JJS