Old Radio - Nurse




American Redoubt Topics


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**Communications S.O.I.- A Quick reference for the communicator is now available**

Students in California Being Asked About Parent’s and Friend’s Gun Ownership During Sports Physicals

Droughts in California- Where is the water?

House committee advances bill giving domestic police powers to National Guard

No guns for NIC campus-North Idaho College trustees oppose campus firearm legislation

Concerns Grow Over Domestic Attacks from Syrian al-Qaeda

Icelanders Overthrow Government and Rewrite Constitution After Banking Fraud-No Word From US Media

Iceland’s Government Collapses

Radio show for home-schooling RV moms to debut in March

Digital Modes:

Contestia 4/250 (AmRRON HF Digital Mode)

MT63-1000L (AmRRON VHF/UHF Digital Mode)


Segment Sponsors:

299 DAYS by Glen Tate

AMP-3 Medical & Specialty Gear for the Prepared Citizen

C.A.T.I. Armor (AR-500 Plates & Body Armor)

Revolutionary Realty (North Idaho Patriot Relocation & Prepper Properties)
