


29 September 2013


Interview with James Rawles

Book:  Expatriates

 September is Preparedness Month!

Links to the Audio and Kindle versions of Expatriates will be posted tonight.

Hold off today, and help support Book Bomb Day, Tuesday, October 1st.




ALERT!!!  If you receive an email with the subject line that reads,

FW: Idaho  USFS Continues Unlawful “De Facto Wilderness” Policy   [radio free redoubt]

DELET IT!  It is NOT from me.   A Redoubter just notified me that when he received the email with the above-noted Subject line, it froze his Outlook Express and he had a very difficult time deleting the email.  The email contains Radio Free Redoubt’s banner as well as the Blue Ribbon Coalition Action Alert banner, as if we are involved.  The information looks legitimate and is a call to action regarding the USFS apparent new policy grabbing more control of forest lands.  However, no one contacted me about this and they’re using RFR’s logo, as well as other patriot groups’ logos.  I will investigate this further and pass along any updates.  Thanks!  -JJS 


North Colorado ‘Welcomed with open arms’

as newest addition to the American Redoubt.


Click the Play button to listen to this episode!

… OR, go to RFR’s PODBEANsite to listen and DOWNLOAD this and

all previous shows!

////////////////////// Radio Free Redoubt Now available on iTunes! ////////////////////////////////


We’re Now on FACEBOOK!



American Redoubt News:

National News:

PSALM 91: 1-6

            I will say of the LORD,

            He is my refuge and my fortress:

            my God; in him will I trust.

           Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler,

            and from the noisome pestilence.

           He shall cover thee with his feathers,

            and under his wings shalt thou trust:

            his truth shall be thy shield and buckler.

          Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night;

            nor for the arrow that flieth by day;

            nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness;

            nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday.


















Segment Sponsors:

AMP-3 Medical & Specialty Gear for the Prepared Citizen

C.A.T.I. Armor (Body Armor)

Revolutionary Realty (Specializing in Patriot Relocation & Prepper Properties)