by Jay Pounder

Senior Editor at The Event 

Watching the coming car wreck of the The Event can sometimes be funny… yes… that’s right funny.

I know that the thought of having something major economic, environmental or political happen can bring fear to the heart of even the most brave of person, but there are moments of true levity in all of this if you look for them.

Take this bit for instance.  I ran across this video today and it absolutely helped me to put things into perspective.
I find it highly ironic because by trade I am a banker.. yup an “evil” banker.  So I can highly relate to the personal banker … but on the other end of the spectrum… I loath this banker for what he does in the end.

We should all loath that banker… because it is bankers that in the end have caused us be in the financial position that we are in this country.Debt_America Sinking

“Why do you stay in the career?” …. because it keeps me on the inside…! I can see and hear things that I can use to protect people.  I have seen “The Event” coming for sometime time… I want to make sure as many people are saved as possible!

So… back to the comedy….Yes… I know that the video is an analogy for where we are at in this county… but you really don’t know how close to the truth this video comes.  People come an ask for money they don’t need all the time… but this isn’t about the people who come see the bankers… its about the bankers who loan the money to the Government and how the Government is too stupid for its own good.
Stupidity is funny.
Take this headline for example… “Congress tries to beat new shutdown deadline” the gist of the article talks about how the Democrats are going to pass a bill through their controlled Senate and do their best to have a “Stop Gap” measure to prevent the Government from shutting down…
  One tiny little problem… the “Stop Gap” bill is more like another blank check, their are spending provisions for  $154 million in Pentagon alternative energy research funding, $120 million for infrastructure improvements in Guam, and $65 million for Pacific coast salmon restoration… So.. is this really the way to way to “stop the bleeding” by spending more.  If your cut… you sew the cut shut and put pressure on the wound to stop the bleeding… not let it flow freely.  The veins of this nation are open and blood are flowing freely… it is only a matter of time before the life is drained and it is dead!

I find it hysterical that they can’t get anything done…

They don’t get it!  Neither side wants a resolution… because of their need for greed and power they will continue to prevent the other side from trying something that probably wont work… yet they won’t work together to prevent the inevitable…

The very real possibility of an economic collapse of the American currency

These continuing resolutions are a terrible way to try and solve the problem… it drives us further into debt all while allowing more political posturing and putting off the hard conversation that they need to have with each other and the American people.

We need to face our debt and the fact that we have no more money to pay our bills.

You see, people only seem to like confrontation when it has nothing to do with their business.  We as Americans will stick out noses into other countries business, we will meddle with their Governments, Medical Care, Human Rights violations, and Military affairs… but we fail every time in facing out own problems.

We need to cut the budget… deep bloody cuts that will remove huge amounts of debt in the future!

We don’t have time any more to discuss what to do!
We have to act now… your Senators and Congress people need to act now!  If they don’t the consequences will be absolutely dire!

Just look what is happening in Cyprus! 

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