This Is What It Takes

By On August 10, 2012  · In Illusory Freedom, Police State America 

I love stories like this because this is what we all must do to take our country back peacefully.

From FoxNews:

Pitchfork-wielding Virginia farmers rallied to support a woman who claims local officials came down on her for, among other things, hosting a children’s birthday party on her [farm].

Martha Boneta, owner of Liberty Farms in the northern village of Paris, was threatened with nearly $5,000 in fines for selling produce and crafts and throwing unlicensed events, including a birthday party for her best friend’s child.

This is fighting back against local regulatory lunacy. This is what it takes to support liberty in your own area.  When and if we have a status-quo-shattering event or string of events; aside from your ability to protect and provide for yourself, your local government will be the only form of viable governance available.  If your local leaders are progressive statists, then you have two options: replace them or move.

Boneta was told that she did not have the proper event permits for the party and other events, including wine tastings, craft workshops, and pumpkin carving.

The next time you’re told by your city council that you can’t hold a craft workshop, pumpkin carving, or birthday party, ask yourself, Is this how a free American is treated?

The answer is NO.  Unless you want your children, the next generation and everyone after it, to progress down the road to slavery, this big-government-always-knows-best mentality must end.

Boneta was also threatened with fines for selling produce and products not grown or made on the 70-acre farm in a small store she operated on the property. But she said she already had a special license issued to her in 2011 that allowed her to run a “retail farm shop” where at the time, she made it clear that she intended to sell handspun yarns and craft items like birdhouses in addition to fresh vegetables, eggs, and herbs.

This is another reason I no longer live in Virginia – state and local government is extremely unfriendly to small farms.

Boneta gained the support of other farmers in the county who feared that they would face similar fines and joined her at a hearing on Aug. 2, where they held a “pitchfork protest” in which they held signs and farming tools in support of Liberty Farms and its owner.

Reversing statist government should be our individual and collective missions and pitchfork protests are a great start.  I applaud Fauqier County farmers.