As the headlines read, three men were arrested in North Carolina yesterday (03 Aug 15). The Headline Revealed several implications the left, and the government, want you to have hard wired into your psyche.
A. Feds accuse men of ‘Prepping’.
Implication: The word ‘Prepping’ wasn’t used by mistake. In multiple jurisdictions federal and state agencies have been asking for help reporting anything suspicious, including activities associated with ‘preppers’. Prepper = Evildoer (in the New Speak)
B. Prepping for Martial Law: Prepping for martial law isn’t inherently illegal. Our own government is ‘prepping for martial law.’ If folks go to the grocery store to stock up for the week because of curfews, they are ‘prepping for martial law.’
Implication: Resisting martial law must be squashed. Even the thought of it. Martial Law means unbridled heavy-handed, liberty sacrificing control over the people — temporarily, of course. What they mean is three men were preparing to RESIST martial law.
There are three ways to ‘Prepare for Martial Law’:
1. Prepare to conduct and enforce martial law (Government)
2. Prepare to submit and comply with martial law, or stock up on supplies and then go ‘gray’ (The masses)
3. Prepare to resist martial law (either through advocacy, political persuasion, by force, or a combination of the aforementioned)
Those who do not prepare for martial law have thrown their fate to the mercy of the winds blowing you through a labyrinth of obstacles that you really don’t want to collide with.
And in all cases, fully rely on God to see you through it.
Mid-article summary:
Government preparing for martial law = GOOD
Citizens preparing for martial law = BAD
…at least, that’s how any good Komrade should perceive things to be. You are a good Komrade, aren’t you?
In this case, the men allegedly were preparing to resist martial law. And that just makes those preparing to enforce martial law a bit nervous. And if they can remove you preemptively, that’s all the better for the tyrants who are making plans to use martial law as a primary control mechanism over the populace in the future.
So, now three patriots will be watching TEOTWAWKI happen through bars, hoping and praying that someone is taking care of their families for them, because they’re not there to do it themselves.
All of this, of course, is under the assumption that they truly were engaged in activity which are currently categorized as federal offenses. So, what were the alleged [non]-offenses?
The article begins with, and sprinkles throughout, ‘accusations’ of acquiring equipment, conducting activities, and having ‘fears’, which are NOT illegal. Listing the following items as evidence:
– Fearing a government takeover and martial law (justifiable concern, and not a crime)
– Stockpiled weapons, ammunition and tactical gear (what every American should own already, and not a crime)
– Ammunition for a .338 caliber rifle (What good is the rifle without ammunition? This is not a crime)
– Purchased hand-held radios (Watch, one day personal two-way communications will be banned — Except smart devices, so they can track you. You’ll be allowed, or issued, a Homeland Security receiver so you can listen to NOAA for instructions on safely reporting to your community amnesty point for turning in guns and lining up for rations and travel passes, which you had better not get caught not having in your posession)
– Kevlar helmets (You mean, like our government has? This is not a crime)
– Body armor (You mean, like our government has? This is not a crime)
– Face masks (Seriously?)
– Preparation for an armed resistance to the feared military occupation. (You mean like the founding fathers did?)
– Spoke openly about their opposition to Jade Helm 15. (So, are we supposed to speak secretly about Jade Helm, or any other military activity? No, you’re supposed to avoid speaking of it [government activities] at all! You all know how I feel about Jade Helm. It’s a TRAINING EXERCISE. The Special Forces are not using a training exercise as a ruse to suddenly begin rounding up patriots. Not happening. And I’ll keep saying it. The government WILL come after its citizens one day. Jade Helm aint it. But in either case, speaking openly about one’s opposition to Jade Helm is NOT A CRIME!)
The breaking news piece goes on to point out some things that truly could get you in trouble today, and these are rules which have been in place for quite some time. We may never know what underhanded tactics, techniques, and procedures the agencies used to lure, entice, or entrap the wayward patriots, but in the overwhelming majority of the cases, we’ve learned that an undercover agent talked the ‘perps’ into doing something crazy, and then conveniently providing the material support to carry out the task. Wah-lah! “Place your hands behind your back.”
What could get you in real trouble today?
– Attempting to manufacture pipe bombs and live grenades from military surplus “dummy” grenades
– Planned to makes explosives out of tennis balls covered in nails and coffee cans filled with ball bearings
– Planning to purchase an assault rifle along with ammunition for Barker, whose past convictions for possession of stolen goods and cocaine barred him from possessing a gun.
“Attempting” and “Planning?” Obviously this news report from AP is very preliminary and it’s difficult to ascertain whether this was truly a ‘conspiracy to commit…’ or if they were simply ogling an Anarchist Cookbook, with sketches of IEDs when one of them said, “Now that would be a game changer. Let’s try it!” If they colluded together and took a single action toward achieving a viable plan, there you have ‘conspiracy to commit.’ But we’ll see. Something tells me someone wanted these guys badly.
So, a lesson patriots! Don’t do stupid crap! The world is going to hell in a hand basket and you’re not doing anyone any good by getting yourselves thrown in the slammer because you wanted to test out some homemade grenade trick you saw in a book.
There are patriots in all the agencies and our military, but there are plenty who truly loathe patriots, especially when (unrelated to this story) a self-appointed militia ‘Colonel’ threatens to go to war with our Special Forces once Jade Helm (a training exercise) kicks off. And we’re not helping the cause by doing stupid stuff to get us thrown in prison this early in the game. The game hasn’t even begun! Although, the stage is being set.
Bear in mind, we don’t have all the facts concerning this case with the three ‘accused’ men from North Carolina. They may not be guilty of any crime at all, and certainly many of the ‘accusations’ pointed out in the media were clearly non crimes. But if nothing else, this does provide a great learning opportunity that hopefully we can all grow from. For the record, I don’t have illegal weapons, I don’t buy firearms for convicted felons, I don’t make improvised bombs, and I don’t advocate that anyone does. But for heaven’s sake…
OPSEC – Don’t blab about everything you do, or hope to do, or plan to do. They are watching and listening.
Stay out of jail – Don’t do stupid crap like making bombs to ‘see if they work’. They work!
Compartmentalize – Cache different equipment in different locations so in the event of a ‘tip’ that you “may” have something/doing something illegal, they don’t get all your LEGAL gear, such as body armor, AN/PVS-14, all your radios, and your, heh! facemasks. Spread it out. Even if you’re truly innocent, good luck getting all your gear back.
Encryption – Download Truecrypt, or obtain some other solid encryption and use it. If you get raided, they’re taking your phone, your tablet, your laptop, et al. Have all your data backed up, stored off site, and encrypted. The intelligence value alone will be worth more to them than your Kevlar helmet and your body armor. Encrypt all your sensitive data, because even if it’s not related to your alleged crime, they’ll be snooping and copying, and (I reiterate) good luck getting your gear back.
There’s plenty you can do to ‘prepare for martial law’ without going to jail. Stick to that for now.
Great article. I think you hit most of the points I was concerned with and expressed them well. This article will go out to those in my circle.
Words of wisdom,
While I agree with you that fearing Jade Helm is going to be used to round up trouble makers is silly, the irony of your written words are not lost on me; right after you state that one of their “crimes” was vocal opposition to Jade Helm, you then write that it is ridiculous that Jade Helm would be used to arrest patriots. While I know what you meant (that the actual operation Jade Helm will not be used), it still made me chuckle.
That small humor aside it was a very good article, and I enjoyed it.
Good tips.
Poor OPSEC was what doomed these guys. Don’t be shooting your mouth off. Even amongst “friends”, somebody might be a switch hitter. Definitely don’t say anything in a public place.
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Get off Windows, move to a good linux (e.g. ubuntu), set up “whole disk encryption” so you don’t have to remember to explicitly encrypt everything (it happens automatically), and run your laptop without a battery so you can shut it down instantly by just pulling the power cord in an emergency.
Folks, you are not serious if you are still using windows. Linux is very easy these days.
One other point. The more government does, the more resistance it creates. Arrest 3 guys, create 10 more resistance fighters…
Re Download Truecrypt:
WARNING: Using TrueCrypt is not secure as it may contain unfixed security issues
This page exists only to help migrate existing data encrypted by TrueCrypt.
The development of TrueCrypt was ended in 5/2014 after Microsoft terminated support of Windows XP. Windows 8/7/Vista and later offer integrated support for encrypted disks and virtual disk images. Such integrated support is also available on other platforms (click here for more information). You should migrate any data encrypted by TrueCrypt to encrypted disks or virtual disk images supported on your platform.
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Word to the wise the Ballon might go up any minute the enemy has mastered propaganda
[…] unconstitutionally in many areas even though they didn’t really have a coherent plan. This is covered pretty well over at Radio Free […]
Truecrypt has been swapped for Veracrypt. Please make a note of it.